Last year I posted the corresponding videos every day on social media, but this year I have failed miserably in that task. But it is not because I don't feel it is important or that people don't need to be reminded to be kind to one another. Now, maybe more than ever, I am keenly aware of how many other people have brought light to my life over the past 17 months. As humanitarian missionaries, it is our goal to bring aid to the poor and needy, but I had no idea how much our service would teach me about humility, gratitude and love. For my blog post today I just want to share some of the many ways others have lived the phrase "Light the World" without even knowing it. It would be a very long post if I addressed all 25 ways shared in the "Light the World" campaign, but I do want to touch on five that evoked emotions from me as I read through the calendar this year.
"I was thirsty and ye gave me drink" ~ Matthew 25:35
Zoran and Ranka are two of the most humble and friendly people we have met. Due to our travel schedule, we haven't been able to spend as much time with them as we would like, but the time we have had will always be remembered. We have always been welcomed with open arms and treated like family each time we have been together.
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"Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself" ~ Matthew 23:39
Our apartment is in a neighborhood that is referred to as "Little America" because many US Embassy families live in our neighborhood. But those are not the neighbors I care to talk about. Honestly, after nearly a year and a half, I haven't even met any of them more than to say hello during the annual "Trick or Treat" night held each year. Sad to say, but I have not really reached out to them as I should have, nor have they reached out to us. No, the neighbors I want to talk about aren't actually neighbors in the true sense of the word. They don't live next door, but they have filled the role that any good neighbor does. I can not count the number of times we have called on the "neighbor" for his help. Emir is the attorney the church employs to handle all the legal affairs for the church in Bosnia. He helps with VISA applications, speeding tickets, selling vehicles, preparing contracts for humanitarian projects, securing leases for the missionary apartments and so much more. However, it is not in his job description to call the gas company for us because no one spoke English when we had a CO leak . He isn't obligated to escort us to get passport photos taken nor to tell us where to go when we have a medical need. And although we know he loves cars, I have no doubt he did not charge the church for washing the car before we had it evaluated for trading in.
I'm pretty sure no one paid he or his wife, Dijana (who is a judge), to take us up to meet their family at the summer house and go exploring the beautiful mountains. Although I think my husband may have paid Emir to take the scenic route off the side of the mountain! And we should have paid Dijana for the amazing lasagna and chocolate lava cake she made us for dinner at their home. They let us spoil their children since we can't spoil our own grandchildren and they have laughed with us as we have struggled to learn a few Bosnian phrases. They are so much better than any neighbor we could have picked ourselves, and we don't hear their dog barking at all hours of the night! We have grown to love them as more than "neighbors." They are part of our Bosnian family and we know they love us despite our many differences, they have shown us that over and over again.
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This was from the top of the mountain we hiked. We have been so blessed to have such amazing people to share our time in Bosnia with. These are two people we know we will see again! |
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Ema and Tarik enjoyed finding eggs and baskets and playing with bubbles when they joined us for Easter last spring. They are almost as cute as our own grand kids. :) |
Oh, the children we have met throughout this journey have been a true light in our lives. I don't know all their names, but they have touched my heart just the same. As many of our humanitarian projects, as well as our volunteer service at Riders of Hope have involved children with disabilities, we have had many opportunities to spend time playing, laughing and loving these special children. I can see love shining brightly in the eyes of those who spend their days teaching and nurturing them, helping them reach their greatest potential. One of our main projects included about 40 educators/therapist and 80 children. One of our most memorable experiences was facilitating evaluations of the children involved in the project. We met children who knew their colors in English, children who were too shy to offer a smile to strangers and others who could not contain their excitement at seeing new faces. Some children sang happily as they performed the requested tasks, others had no voice to express their feelings. Riders who held tightly to a security blanket as they sat on the horse and those who squealed with joy. But one thing was very evident. God loves the little children, all of them! And so do we.
"I was a stranger and ye took me in." ~ Matthew 25:35
I haven't even put any words down for this one yet and already tears are threatening to come. I truly was a stranger. We had never met, never even had a conversation beyond a few emails before we arrived in Sarajevo, yet the minute we stepped foot on the property of Riders of Hope and met Senada for the first time, we were no longer strangers. One of our very first conversations had me in tears as Senada and I both acknowledged God's hand in bringing us together. Riders of Hope, especially Senada and her husband, Emin, have truly been an answer to many prayers. Not only have I been able to continue to teach therapeutic riding lessons, but they have opened their home and their hearts. Emin has connected us with suppliers for many of our humanitarian projects and offered advice in dealing with local affairs. Senada has referred me to great doctors, delicious restaurants and has offered never ending help with anything we have needed. I can't even begin to list everything they have done for us. Beyond Senada and Emin, we have been taken in by so many others. The riders I have worked with at Riders of Hope hold a special place in my heart. Esma's determination is unmatched and Aren has taught me about the solar system and US presidents, while his parents shower me with gifts every time they return from a vacation in Turkey.
"My" Pegasos girls who I have had the privileged of teaching dressage lessons to have made me feel like I belong. I'm greeted with smiles and hugs every time I'm there. They even arranged for a special birthday cake for me and a beautiful gift that I will always treasure. Their parents never fail to thank me for my time, which I wish I would have had more of to spend with their daughters. The staff are amazing! Tanja has made me feel like part of the team, but always understands my time limitations. Lamija and Merima always have a smile and kind word. Nejra inspires me with her ambition to become a certified therapeutic riding instructor. And Sofija is the best cook, sneaking me uĹĄtipci (kind of like scones) whenever I ventured into the kitchen. Tea indulges my crazy ideas for lesson plans and Iman P. is the best trail guide I know. And through this core we have met others who have helped us along our journey. John, who takes us to buy goodies at the American PX on the European Union campus where he works. Ilia has endured being grilled about his girlfriend, his religion and his hopes for the future during many hours with us filming videos for LDS Charities and other church productions. I know I will never lose contact with this loving family who took in a couple of strangers.
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Emin keeping a close eye on riders at the dressage show. He's tough, but he loves what he does and the riders he works with love him too! |
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John always has a smile and is ready help! |
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Merima and Lamija, two of the young instructors that I have grown to love over the past year. |
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Tea is always smiling! I have enjoyed getting to know her and teaching her on her beautiful black Fresian, Epke has been so fun! |
"Ye shall meet together oft" ~ 3 Nephi 18:22
Church in Sarajevo is very different than church in Kansas. First, we usually only have about 15 people, including missionaries, in attendance each week unlike the 300ish in our home congregation. This allows us to get to know other people much better than we might in a traditional church setting. We have loved having a small, loving core group sprinkled with frequent visitors. When we arrived, the Pruess family with their five children welcomed us and made us feel at home in our new country. They have since moved to Greece for his job with the US Embassy. We currently have two more families, the Wood and Rhees families, who work for the US Embassy in our little congregation. We love meeting each week with them and their children (2 Woods and 5 Rhees), along with several others. There is no pretense, no cliques, no judgement. It is as it should be when we gather in the name of Jesus Christ. Full of unconditional love for all who enter. We also only hold church for two hours, as opposed to the typical three hour block of time in the US. I'm not quite sure how I will handle going back to church for a full three hours when we return home, but I suppose I'll manage somehow. We will truly miss our little church family. I definitely need to take a few pictures before we leave because I'm realizing I don't have pictures of everyone, but here's a few amazing people we've met with "oft".
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Our little congregation, including the Pruess family, Iris, the Wood family and Franz and Mera. |
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works,
and glorify our Father which is in heaven." ~ Matthew 5:16
This scripture has never been so exemplified for me as it has been during our mission. There are so many examples I could share about "good works" it could fill a year's worth of blog posts. We have seen that light shine in strangers, in project partners, in our new found friends. But it shines most brightly in the missionaries that we have had the joy to cross paths with on this amazing journey. I know I've bragged about many of them numerous times, but I just can't stop marveling at the light that shines forth whenever they are present. These young (and some old) people devote 18 months (young women) or 2 years (young men) of their lives, at their own expense, to serve others, to serve as Jesus Christ served, not for their own glory, but to glorify God through their good works. They forgo the simple pleasures most of the peers are enjoying. Attending university, dating, watching movies, listening to music, surfing the internet, wearing the latest fashions or their yoga pants and a baggy sweatshirt. The young missionaries even sacrifice talking to their families and friends. They only get two 45 minute calls a year, one on Mother's Day or Father's Day and one on Christmas. They truly are focused on sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with all who will listen.
We have now served with over 30 different missionaries (not including other senior couples) between Sarajevo and Tuzla. Each and every one of them holds a special place in my heart. Several of them have gone home already and are moving forward with their lives but in their wake they have left a legacy of love in Bosnia. I look forward to watching them go out into the world on their various adventures after they complete their mission time. I know God only sends the best missionaries to Bosnia and they will continue to make a positive impact throughout their lives.
We have also had the pleasure to serve with other senior couples in the mission. The Bradfords are the only other other couple in Bosnia, four hours away in Banja Luka. We only get to spend time together every 6 weeks or so, but it's been nice to know there are others who struggle with hard beds, missing their grandchildren and how to balance mission life with their spouse 24/7. And we will never forget our two mission presidents and their wives, David and Judy Grant and Dave and Becky Melonakos. I know I don't have everyone in these pictures, but hopefully you will get the idea of how much we have enjoyed our time with these fantastic people, young and old alike!
We have also had the pleasure to serve with other senior couples in the mission. The Bradfords are the only other other couple in Bosnia, four hours away in Banja Luka. We only get to spend time together every 6 weeks or so, but it's been nice to know there are others who struggle with hard beds, missing their grandchildren and how to balance mission life with their spouse 24/7. And we will never forget our two mission presidents and their wives, David and Judy Grant and Dave and Becky Melonakos. I know I don't have everyone in these pictures, but hopefully you will get the idea of how much we have enjoyed our time with these fantastic people, young and old alike!
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Bosnia Zone conference last spring. |
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Grape eating contest... Elder King, on the right, was champion! |
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Sarajevo and Tuzla missionaries at our apartment for the missionary broadcast earlier this year. They were all excited about the change in missionary schedules that was announced that day! |
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Treasures from the American Store in Zagreb. No Reece's in Bosnia! |
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Such beautiful smiles! |
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Our little group of missionaries in June. Another fun trip spent with great people! |
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The missionaries have been great volunteers at Riders of Hope. I especially love their sense of winter fashion! |
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Can't you just see the light radiating from Sister Turner as she gives this little rider two thumbs up? Sister Orchard is hiding behind the horse leader. |
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Road trips are always a blast! Our last trip we actually made it to our destination and back without incident. That was a first for us. Our track record with the party bus is not good.... LOL! |
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Thanksgiving this year. All the missionaries from Bosnia were there! |
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David and Judy Grant, our first mission president and his wife at a baptism in Tuzla. We loved serving with the Grants! |
There are so many more people I want the world to know about, so many acts of kindness, so much light that has been shared with us during our time in the Adriatic North Mission. I only hope we've been able to offer a small spark of light to others as well. We wish everyone a wonderful Christmas full of the light and love of Jesus Christ, our Savior. May His light shine in your life and through your life this holiday season and throughout the year. Maybe next year we will actually send out Christmas cards again! All our love to everyone!
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